Zoe Parker typically follows the rules & isn't afraid to tow the line. Especially when it comes to going commando and smoking bud. Her teacher caught her doing both at the same time & takes his hard dick to not get expelled. She is a little nervous at first but decide she has to do it or she will lose her car. She isn't use to fucking older guys. She does enjoy the size of his cock though. She starts giving him a blowjob to warm him up. She is waiting until he is hard as a rock until he penetrates her.
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Nina Kay may just have the phattest ass we've seen here at TeenCurves. It didn't look like Bruno could handle her & but he gave this XXL package and we knew she would find a way. After seeing that ass he can hardly believe how big it is. She backs it up into his face. Her cheeks smack each side and he is ready to dive right into it. She takes that dick right into her mouth and goes to town. She gives a wet blowjob while he sits back and relaxes. He is ready to take that big ass for a long ride.
Sexy office slut Harley's boss accidentally took a boner pill and can't get it to go down. He finds Harley typing & who is more than happy to hike up her skirt and help. She was able to help her boss out and get a break from typing. She gets on her knees and takes that hard dick into her mouth. She is no strange to giving blowjobs. She sucks his dick with ease and enjoys it. She has him lay down as she straddles his dick. She backs up on that dick continuously. He loves the view of her wet pussy.
Max Dior is hard at work when his secretary Antonia Sainz trips while bringing his coffee. She returns with another glass and a roll of paper towels so she can clean up the mess. Max enjoys the view for a moment when Antonia's short skirt rides up to show off her ass and thong & and then goes in for a taste when he can't take it any longer. Soon he has unwrapped his prim secretary and settled her on his desk chair for a lusty bald pussy feast. Slipping first one finger and then another deep into Antonia's twat.
Fit and sexy Cali Carter has showed up right on time for her beach workout. Her trainer can't help but notice how hot she is. During post stretches & Cali catches a glimpse of his hard-on & and invites him to her room a second intense session and some cock. She is all nice and sweaty and ready to go. She wants that big dick and takes it right down her throat. She works it around with her tongue and juicy lips and can't wait to take it for a long ride. She jumps on top of him and fucks that cock balls deep.
Odette Delacroix and Veronica Rodriguez are in the midst of a lesbian fuck fest when their man is ready to join them. They always tell them stories about how much lesbian sex they have together. He has never walked in on them though. Today must be his lucky day. They are more than willing for him to join in on the fun. He pulls down his pants and they both start sucking his dick. It's like they haven't had cock in months. They are all over him. They both want that hard cock inside of them now. Odette is going first though.
Decked out in high heels & a thong & and a bra & Lady D. checks herself out in the mirror to make sure she's looking hot for her threesome with Paula and Dan. The horny couple can't wait to bring in a third person for their pleasure & so when Lady struts across the room to join them they're all smiles in anticipation.Dan is fortunate to be in the middle as both girls flank him and start using their hands and lips for his pleasure. His pants are soon pulled down & revealing his hard cock that Paula and Lady are happy to share.
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